Friday, February 20, 2009

no, thank you.

Kool Keith was asking the dudes if they were clit men or tit men.
i wasn't down.
male oriented,directed show.

Monday, February 16, 2009

kool keith at dicks on dicks

i am seeing kool keith this thursday at richards on richards and i am so excited.

i have never been to this venue and i hear it's dope.also old school hip hop never disappoints.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

some pictures courtesy, Jack Siegel


Collective art is not dead

the skullset

New york/La based photographer/blogger documents his life/friends regulary on

sometimes he uses disposable cameras. just straight good pictures.also helps that his frieds are really goodlooking.

sonic youth new cd " The Eternal" out june9

badass in a totally empowering way

collage by kai

vag and kai

selected works from Cologne based artist Kai Althoff are being exhibited at the VAG.

this dude is dope.